Wednesday, January 1, 2014

From dissonance to consonance

Today I looked up resolution in the dictionary. And by dictionary, I mean the Internet.  (Sidebar: I do actually own a physical dictionary. I never use it. Thinking about this kind of  makes me sad. Not sad enough to go get it.)

According the Random  House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary (no, really), resolution has 13 definitions. Here are the expected ones: “a formal expression of intent made,” “a determination.”  Here are the ones that really tugged at me: “reduction to a simpler form; conversion” or “a progression from a dissonance to a consonance.” I don’t know if consonance always means simplicity but I think it implies focus and intentionality and clarity. I don’t think the world is going to stop being a loud and dissonant place. But I would very much like to be a constant kind of consonant.


With that in mind, here are my resolutions. Some of them are specific intentions, some of them are meant to edge my life closer to consonance…

1. Do something good for my body every single day.

2. Write my dissertation.

3. Learn to ask for things when I need them.

4.  Publish something.

5. Go to the dentist.

6. Give more freely (money, time, things, talents, forgiveness, love, gentleness, patience, self-care).

7. Renew my passport and take Kyle somewhere.

8. Drink more water than coffee.

9. Get another tattoo.

10. Return to blogging.

11. Visit Rose La Rose’s grave.

12. Become my own cheerleader.

13. Make home feel safer and simpler.

14. Get back on stage.

15. Keep growing out my hair.

16. Maintain order in inbox.

17. Suck it up already and do a poetry open mic.

18. Be a tourist.

19. Be a local.

20. Run a 5K.

21. See The Book of Mormon tour.

22. Teach something new.

23. Return to blogging.

24. Finish the symposium successfully.

25. Read books that have nothing to do with my dissertation.

26. Make a new friend at MATC.

27. Learn to make a latte.

28. Go to the beach.

29. Write more letters.

30. Pray.

I’d love to know…what’s on your list this year?